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Common currencies in Northern Cyprus

The common currency in Northern Cyprus is the Turkish Lira, which means that all expenses related to living, food and clothing, unit charges, restaurants, entertainment, and taxes are in Turkish Lira.For this reason, the cost of living is affordable compared to other countries. In the sale and purchase of property and cars, the currency used is the British pound. If you buy any type of currency (the 4...

Business in North Cyprus

High paying jobs in North Cyprus:University professor, researcher and essay writer, doctor, dentist, pharmacist, internet marketing, supermarket, taxi, marketing manager of chain hotels and 5-star hotels, graphic artist, short-term house rental during the 7 months of summer, currency exchange, cabinet making, Car repair shop, oil change and car service, restaurant, cafe, waiter, professional barista,...

Rules for obtaining a visa and entering North Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, as an independent country, has its own immigration laws like any other country. Citizens of all countries can obtain a visa from the immigration officer at designated airports, ports and border crossings. Obtaining a visa from North Cyprus agencies abroad does not guarantee entry into the country. The beautiful island of Northern Cyprus has a representative office or consulate general...

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